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Tennessee Valley Railroad News

Railroad Collection

Explore the vast and varied world of railroading with our “Railroad Collection” tag at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum News and Update blog. This tag is your gateway to the museum’s extensive collection of railcars, locomotives, and railway artifacts. Dive into the history of each piece, learn about the restoration processes, and discover the stories behind these magnificent machines. Perfect for historians, train enthusiasts, and the curious alike, these posts offer a detailed look at the treasures that make up one of the most comprehensive railroad collections in the nation.

F7A Locomotive 576: New Batteries and Bulbs Mark Step Towards Return

Last week, new batteries were installed in F7A locomotive 576, and the engine had all accessible light bulbs replaced. As a result, another major step in the locomotive’s return to service was accomplished. Once returned to service, the 576 will dethrone the 710 as the oldest operating diesel locomotive in our collection, as it was…