Depending on the operating conditions, passengers are permitted to move around the train.
Food and beverages may be consumed while on board all trains. Please help keep our trains clean and use trash receptacles. Report any problems to the conductor or train crew. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on TVRM property or trains.
Most of our coaches are air-conditioned and heated. A few are adjustable window cars on which the windows are raised to allow airflow.
Service animals (defined as dogs trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities) are welcome at TVRM.
There is no food service on board Missionary Ridge Local trains, however, you can purchase food or snacks in the Grand Junction Depot Deli. Our longer rides such as Chickamauga Turn and Summerville Steam Specials generally include a commissary car which sells food, snack items, and souvenirs. Of course, dinner trains and some other trips with appropriate ticketing include a specified meal.
Chattanooga has many options such as campgrounds, bed & breakfast locations, and hotels. See the Chattanooga Area Convention & Visitors Bureau website for more information: www.visitchattanooga.com. Click here for information on planning your stay.
The Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, an educational corporation which is membership based. Every ticket sold is a fundraiser to allow the continued operation of our historic trains. The train crews are made up of trained volunteers or TVRM staff.
The mission of the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum (TVRM) is to collect for preservation, operation, interpretation, and display railroad artifacts in an authentic setting to educate the public concerning the role of railroads in the history and development of our region.
TVRM runs full-sized, historic trains upon which you can purchase a ticket and take a ride. It is an educational and entertaining experience. The trains are pulled by vintage diesel engines or steam locomotives, depending on the service type, date selected, or operating conditions.
Tennessee Valley Railroad trains operate rain or shine. The coaches are fully covered, enclosed from the elements, and have heat if needed.
All trains beginning in Chattanooga must be boarded at Grand Junction Station unless otherwise specified. Chattanooga Grand Junction Station is located at 4119 Cromwell Road near the intersection of Highway 153 and Jersey Pike, in Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421. Get Directions to Chattanooga Grand Junction
Restroom facilities are available at our depots for Missionary Ridge Local, Day Out With Thomas, and North Pole Limited passengers. For longer train rides such as Chickamauga Turn, Dinner in the Diner, Summerville Steam Specials, and some others, restrooms are available on the train.
It is similar as far as boarding because you enter by climbing stairs and then walk down an aisle between rows of seats. Unlike a bus however, some of the train car seats can be turned to make a group of four.
Yes, advanced tickets are sold online for all of our excursions, such as Missionary Ridge Local, Chickamauga Turn, Chattanooga Dinner Train, Summerville Steam Specials, and others. Many of our most popular events, including the North Pole Limited, Day Out With Thomas, and Halloween Eerie Express will require pre-purchase and will sell out well in advance.
Unfortunately, as much as we try to accommodate all our visitors, we generally can’t delay a train full of passengers. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment. Note that Chattanooga is in the Eastern Time Zone.
Smoking is prohibited on all trains and in all stations by State law.
TVRM reserves the right to substitute equipment or motive power and to alter published fares, times of operation, and destination as mechanical or operating conditions require, without notice.
TVRM has a large parking lot with plenty of room. Only on the busiest of days there might not be convenient parking for oversized vehicles such as Day Out With Thomas or other special events.
All contributions to TVRM are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated. We recognize all contributors by a letter of receipt, and a listing in the organization’s publication, Smoke & Cinders.
After you’ve enjoyed your ride at TVRM, consider visiting the other wonderful attractions offered around Chattanooga and the surrounding area. You can check with the Chattanooga Area Convention & Visitors Bureau for more information: www.visitchattanooga.com
Hiwassee River Rail Adventure trips must be boarded in Delano, Tennessee. It is approximately a 90-minute drive from Chattanooga to Delano.
Historic rail cars and stations were built before the advent of technology which accommodates people with special needs. Our rail cars and the Summerville station were not designed to accommodate wheelchairs safely. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recognizes the limitations of such historic rail equipment and expressly exempts trains and stations of this type from accessibility requirements. Though we cannot accommodate wheelchair use or access within our historical passenger cars, all persons who can board the train themselves and occupy a standard passenger seat are welcome and encouraged to ride.
You can rest assured that communications (e.g. credit card numbers) between your browser and this site’s web servers are private and secure when the session is activated. Your privacy is important to the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum. Personal information will not be sold, rented, shared, or made available at any time to any outside party.
No firearms are permitted on our property as authorized by T.C.A. Section 39-17-1359
If there is something else we can help you with, please contact us! Give us a call or send a message on our contact page.