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Tennessee Valley Railroad News

Scenic Rail Journeys

At the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, we take immense pride in offering unparalleled scenic rail journeys that transport passengers not just between places, but across time. These rail adventures provide a unique lens to view the stunning landscapes of Tennessee while relishing the historic charm of classic railroading. As you traverse bridges, tunnels, and picturesque vistas, our scenic rail journeys promise to offer memories that last a lifetime, amalgamating the beauty of nature with the nostalgia of vintage train travel.

All Aboard the Hiwassee Loop: East Tennessee’s Railway Gem

As the weekend approaches, it’s the perfect time to discover one of East Tennessee’s most breathtaking scenic journeys: the Hiwassee Loop and/or Copperhill Special train ride. For both railway enthusiasts and those new to the world of trains, this trip promises unparalleled views, rich history, and a taste of engineering ingenuity. Journeying through the heart…

All Aboard for an Autumn Adventure: The Summerville Steam and Chickamauga Turn!

Autumn is a season of transformation. The leaves begin their magical metamorphosis, the air turns crisp, and the landscapes present a medley of vibrant colors. And what better way to witness this seasonal spectacle than aboard a classic steam train journeying through Georgia’s picturesque terrains? We’re thrilled to announce that tickets for the iconic Summerville…

A Colorful Journey through Hiwassee River Gorge: TVRM’s Half-Day Fall Train Ride

October has arrived, bringing with it the enchanting hues of autumn. As the leaves begin to change, there’s no better way to witness the spectacular fall colors than by embarking on a stunning half-day train ride through the Hiwassee River Gorge. This season, the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum (TVRM) invites you to join us on…

Experience Autumn’s Splendor Aboard TVRM Trains

As the first leaves of autumn cascade in a whirlwind of crimson, amber, and gold, the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum (TVRM) invites you to experience the season in all its magnificence. The Allure of Hiwassee River Gorge Autumn heralds in cool temperatures, making it the perfect time to embark on a train journey. And what…