U.S. Army 7100: An ALCO-Built S2 Locomotive’s Journey from Military Service to Museum Artifact
The U.S. Army 7100 is an S2 locomotive, manufactured by the American Locomotive Company (Alco), that generates 1,000 horsepower. It was specifically built for the United States Army and was delivered to the Volunteer Ordinance Works in Chattanooga in September 1943. Post-retirement from the army, it found utility in the hands of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). In 1999, the Southern Appalachia Railway Museum (SARM) became its new home. A decade later, in 2019, the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum (TVRM) acquired the 7100 in an exchange with SARM. As of now, this historic locomotive is held in storage and is not currently in service.
Locomotive: U.S. Army 7100
Locomotive Type: Diesel-Electric
Operators: U.S. Army, Tennessee Valley Authority, Southern Appalachia Railway Museum, Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum
Model: S2
Builder: American Locomotive Company
Date Built: 1943
Locomotive Weight: 230,00 lb
Prime Mover: ALCO 539T
Fuel: Diesel
Horsepower: 1,000 hp
Status: Stored Out of Service